Alejandra Pizarnik

brought (also) to the amazement of light




Alejandra Pizarnik – Sophia de Mello – “espanto” – luz – poesía


Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972) and
Sophia de Mello Breyner (1929-2004) are two
of the most celebrated poets in their countries.
They were both very different, but they shared
an “espanto” for light, if we understand “espanto” with the ambiguous meaning it has in
Portuguese: as ‘horror’ and as ‘astonishment’. In which concerns to the Argentinian poet, it was clear that she preferred thinking
about light as horror; on the other hand, in which concerns to the Portuguese
poet, the light is a synonym for astonishment and clearness.

Author Biography

Mariano Carou, Universidad del Salvador

Universidad del Salvador (Argentina)


Graziano, Frank (comp.) (1984). Alejandra Pizarnik. Semblanza. México: FCE.

Pessoa, Fernando (1982). Livro do desassossego. Lisboa: Atica.

Piña, Cristina (1999). Poesía y experiencia de llímite: Leer a Alejandra Pizarnik. Buenos Aires: Botella al Mar.

Pizarnik, Alejandra (2004). Poesía completa. Buenos Aires: Lumen.

Pizarnik, Alejandra (2010) (a). Diarios. Buenos Aires: Lumen.

Pizarnik, Alejandra (2010) (b). Prosa completa. Buenos Aires: Lumen.

Mello Breyner Andresen, Sophia de (2018). Coral e outros poemas. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Mello Breyner Andresen, Sophia de (2003). En la desnudez de la luz. Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad.



How to Cite

Carou, M. (2021). Alejandra Pizarnik: brought (also) to the amazement of light. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 11(23), 301–312.