The length of the day, by Adélia Prado - The sacred in daily life
Adélia Prado, A duração do dia, sacred, daily lifeAbstract
The object of analysis of this article is one of Adélia Prado’s most recent publications, A duração do dia (2011); published in 2010, the second edition in 2011; which considers everyday matters, from which the poet draws striking moments of sacred significance in daily life. This article intends to compare and contrast the dialogue of the subject of the poem with some passages from the Judeo-Christian Bible, exclusively in the structuring or particular parts of the book, so that the treatment of the themes from the epigraphs allow the reader to carry out a deep reflection regarding the existence and aesthetic enjoyment. For the critical analysis, the ideas from Agnes Heller were used to look at the daily life while the ideas of Rudolf Otto were used for the sacred. Both were complemented with the thoughts of other authors for these two themes like Roger Caillois, George Bataille, Luis Santos e Silvana Oliveira, Raimunda Alvim Bessa.
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