Jean Valjean

memories of bishop Myriel




Bishop Myriel, Jean Valjean, Humanization, Memory


In the novel Les Miserables, written by Victor Hugo in the nineteenth century, Bishop Myriel is represented as the agent of the spiritual transformation of the protagonist. Its importance legitimizes itself after having been stolen by Jean Valjean, and the indulgence with which it reacts becomes the device that will reorient the life of that man newly freed of the prison. In the mind of the transgressor, the mental ecstasy that follows the pardon triggers an intense phenomenon: the redeemed incorporates his redeemer. From these facts, this study, through reading, bibliographical research and analysis, aims to understand and reflect on the representation of the phenomenon occurred with Jean Valjean. The theoretical course makes associations on the spiritual properties of literature; based on the “dulci utile” Horacian double, the function of humanization of literature and the instance of memory. It is observed that the work surpasses the aesthetic nature, propitiating the establishment of psychic relations that favor the improvement of the world view and the sensitivity.

Author Biography

Aurora Cardoso de Quadros, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

*Doutora em Teoria Literária e Literatura comparada pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professora de Estudos Literários no Departamento de Comunicação e Letras da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES). Contato:


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How to Cite

Quadros, A. C. de. (2021). Jean Valjean: memories of bishop Myriel. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 11(25), 273–296.