Transpositions of the event

Fatima-Bogotá. Rewritings of the Fatima message in a Colombian case




mariophania, transposition, figure, messianic time, revolution


This paper offers a comparative reading from the theory and literary criticism, articulated with the concept of figura developed by Erich Auerbach, which works in the typological sense, in the transposition that we propose between two mariophanias: the Fatima event (1917) as figure of the apparitions to three visionaries in Bogota (1989). The case is construed from an oral narrative that rewrites the message of Fatima in the vital experience of the Colombian seers. This relationship strains the conception of time and history, that we will think from a Benjaminian hermeneutics, as a constellation. We will present the problems involved in thinking the epiphanic event —with fragments of the textual material of the apparitions— using categories such as messianic time developed by Giorgio Agamben, the relationship between promise and consummation from the Pauline hos me (constellation between past and the future), the irruption of the event (plasmatic metaphor) in the religious (messianism) and the secular paradigm (revolt and revolution), and the political dimension that subsists directly in the content of the message of Fatima and the different hermeneutics of the world (christianity, capitalism, marxism) governed by the vital experience of modernity: the revolutionary becoming.

Author Biography


Maestría en Estudios Literarios en la Universidad de Buenos Aire. Docente e investigador independiente con estudios en fotografía (UN). Contato:


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How to Cite

Ramos Hendez, J. C. (2022). Transpositions of the event: Fatima-Bogotá. Rewritings of the Fatima message in a Colombian case. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 12(27), 274–296.