Dialogues about christianity in literature
spirituality and social dramas
literature, christianity, spirituality, social problemsAbstract
Literary works propitiate entertainment, knowledge and reflection by enabling readers to enter universes different from their own realities. In the present article, a panoramic reading is sought, strolling through several works, for construct an analysis to think about the relations between literature and Christianity, which bring debates about spirituality, social problems and Christian conceptions in works that remain current even in later temporalities. Literature brings the possibility of deepening the look at Christianity in narratives that do not always have a religious intention, but that look at themes that are very present in Christian religiosity. Thus, especially in consecrated works of literature Brazilian and universal, it is evident that the works bring debates on the deepening of spirituality from literature, as well as on social problems, such as violence and the spread of hatred in society, exposing contradictions and paradoxes of speeches that are based on Christianity to proclaim ideas contrary to the teachings of Christ present in the gospels.
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