“Mensagem” by Fernando Pessoa
theological-literary interactions
Mensagem, Fernando Pessoa, Remythologization, ArchetypeAbstract
This article aims to point out the existence of biblical and Lusitanian Mythological convergences in “Mensagem” by Fernando Pessoa. The guiding hypothesis is that it is possible to detect resonances of biblical Hebrew myths in the remythologization proposed by Pessoa, thus indicating the presence of certain universal archetypes that form the framework of the work “Mensagem”. The main concepts that underlie this work are remythologization, as proposed by Mielietinski 1987); myth, the subject of studies by Mircea Eliade (1989; 1992; 2002; 2004); and archetype, as defined by Jung (2000) and Mielietinski (2002). Through this study, it was possible to detect that the Lusitanian myths of Sebastianismo and the Fifth Empire are descendants of older mythologies, meaning that the archetypes of the Lusitanian unconscious are ethnographically linked to the profound influence os the Jewish people who have been present in the Iberian Peninsula for at least four thousand years, spreading the idea of messianic hope.
Keywords: “Mensagem”. Fernando Pessoa. Remythologization. Archetype.
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