Bees and GeoGebra: partnership in animation the waggle dance




Artistic Animation, Bee Dance, GeoGebra


In the present work, through artistic animation, the behavior of bees is analyzed through the dance known as the “waggle dance”. The aim of this work is to reproduce the artistic animation of the dance of the "waggle dance" of the bees through parametric curves and functions using the software GeoGebra, according to the distance from the food source and the direction of the sun. The work has been carried out by a group of students in an interdisciplinary way supported by two teachers between the months of August and December 2019. Parametric curves with the number eight format, has been the way to idealize the dance and the dynamics of the communication of the location and distance from the food source, built using GeoGebra software to understand animation in the perspective of mathematical development within the hive.


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Author Biography

Walyssom Miranda Medeiros, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Licenciado em Matemática pelas Faculdades Integradas de Fernandópolis - Fernandópolis, SP;

Bacharelando em Matemática pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Uberlândia, MG;

Professor de Matemática da rede pública estadual de Minas Gerais na cidade de Uberlândia.


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How to Cite

Bertone, A. M. A., Tanajura, V. D. do V., Borges, A. S., Medeiros, W. M., & Jafelice, R. S. da M. (2021). Bees and GeoGebra: partnership in animation the waggle dance. Journal of the GeoGebra International Institute of São Paulo, 10(1), 151–167.


