Building the Solar System Using GeoGebra Software




Parameterization, GeoGebra, Ellipses, DICT


Current affairs have shown the need for increasingly efficient and effective educational instruments to assist the research of teachers and students of this new digital age. This work aims to present a didactic-pedagogical way of using the GeoGebra software as an auxiliary tool in the practical study of complex structures such as the parameterization of curves in two, three or four dimensions using the movement of objects in three-dimensional space. This article aims to present the construction of the moving solar system including all planets as well as Halley's comet using the parameterization of curves in three-dimensional space. This research may contribute to the practical understanding of the student of the four dimensions of the Cartesian plane where the fourth dimension is represented by the movement of the stars around the sun.


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How to Cite

Siena, M. C. de S. (2022). Building the Solar System Using GeoGebra Software. Journal of the GeoGebra International Institute of São Paulo, 11(1), 101–117.


