Pythagorean theorem using the GeoGebra and GeoGebra Classroom software


  • Iliane Moreira Ministério de Educação/Professora do Ensino Secundário
  • Isaura Martins Professora de Ensino Secundário
  • Rui Bernardo Andrade Professor de Ensino Secundário
  • Sanier Sena Professora de Ensino Secundário



GeoGebra Software, Pythagoras Theorem, GeoGebra Classroom, Interactive and dynamic learning


This work is part of the Training of Trainers Project and pilot training of mathematics teachers, GeoGebra & STEAM, in Cape Verde. Based on the GeoGebra software and the GeoGebra Classroom platform, it was intended to demonstrate and explore the Pythagoras theorem. This study was motivated by several reasons because we often come across students who have difficulties in understanding some contents and we think that this is due to the lack of methodologies that encourage students and lead them to have another view on mathematics. So, with this work, we intend to contribute to the opening of new paths to success in the teaching of mathematics, through the use of a modern tool and an online collaboration platform, which make it possible to work mathematics in an interactive, dynamic and complete way. Taking into account the objectives of this study, we opted for an essentially qualitative investigation and used quantitative research that fell on document analysis, interaction during classes, student production, photographic recording, questionnaire questions. The work includes several stages, where two questionnaires were applied (initial and final), we planned theoretical classes on the Pythagorean Theorem, and 4 tasks were elaborated to be done in the GeoGebra software and in the end we had a virtual class in the GeoGebra classroom. According to the activities and tasks performed, we concluded that the students showed a lot of creativity, enthusiasm, and greater ability to create their own knowledge. There was greater participation of the students because they posed questions and were always curious about wanting to know more and produce their own works. 


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How to Cite

Moreira, I., Martins, I. ., Andrade, R. B. ., & Sena, S. (2023). Pythagorean theorem using the GeoGebra and GeoGebra Classroom software. Revista Do Instituto GeoGebra Internacional De São Paulo, 12(3), 017–036.