Teaching Spatial Geometry through Geogebra:

an experience involving the Euler relation


  • Carlos Aparecido Ajala Ojeda Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Adriana Fátima de Souza Miola Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados




Mathematics Education, GeoGebra, Euler Relation


Digital technologies are like a tool that can streamline the teaching and learning process, as it facilitates understanding through the visualization of elements that refer to the concepts that involve the contents of Geometry. In view of this, the present work aims to present a possibility of teaching spatial geometry for a high school class through Geogebra. We approach the content of Spatial Geometry with emphasis on the Euler Relation. The work was developed in a constructionist approach according to Papert. We used the teaching methodology called Exploratory Teaching, which consisted of developing a class through a task. We identified that the use of GeoGebra contributed to the understanding of the addressed content. We noticed that experiences like this become relevant for the teaching of mathematics, enabling teaching alternatives for the mathematics teacher.


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How to Cite

Ojeda, C. A. A., & Miola, A. F. de S. (2024). Teaching Spatial Geometry through Geogebra:: an experience involving the Euler relation. Revista Do Instituto GeoGebra Internacional De São Paulo, 13(2), 005–015. https://doi.org/10.23925/2237-9657.2024.v13i2p005-015