The exploration of triangle properties in GeoGebra Discovery by elementary school students


  • Alexandre Matias Russo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



GeoGebra Discovery, demonstration and proof, Plane Geometry


This research presents partial results of Doctoral research in Mathematics Education. We use a new version of GeoGebra, called GeoGebra Discovery. This is a qualitative investigation and the research participants are students enrolled in the 8th year of Elementary School. We present two activities of a didactic sequence, applied under the Design Experiments methodology and analyzed through the levels of understanding and development of van Hiele's geometric thinking (1984). The results indicate that the exploration and verification of conjectures of properties of the plane geometry, in particular of the triangle, using GeoGebra Discovery, can contribute to a dynamic, exploratory and significant learning of students.

Key-words: GeoGebra Discovery; demonstration and proof; plane geometry.


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How to Cite

Russo, A. M. (2023). The exploration of triangle properties in GeoGebra Discovery by elementary school students. Journal of the GeoGebra International Institute of São Paulo, 12(3), 133–161.



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