The use of GeoGebra & STEAM Education as a strategy for meaningful learning of Trigonometric Function Transformations


  • Bensone Jose Matusse Escola Secundária da Munhuana
  • Manuel Carlos Nhumaio Escola Secundária da Munhuana



GeoGebra and STEAM Education, Transformations of Trigonometric Functions, Meaningful Learning


Following our participation in the “GeoGebra & STEAM” Training Workshop within the scope of the post-doctoral research project under the title “GeoGebra and STEAM implications for Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education in Mozambique”. The present work results from an experience carried out in the 12th class of class B1-1, at Munhuana Secondary School, to approach the Transformations of Trigonometric Functions supported by GeoGebra in the context of STEAM Education. The case study, essentially qualitative, of an exploratory and interpretative nature, aims to promote meaningful learning of these contents, from an interdisciplinary teaching perspective. The results indicate that the use of GeoGebra enabled significant learning of the content covered. Therefore, in this article, we intend to bring the results of implementing this experience and promote a reflection on the implications of using GeoGebra in the context of STEAM Education in Mozambique.


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How to Cite

Jose Matusse, B., & Nhumaio, M. C. . (2024). The use of GeoGebra & STEAM Education as a strategy for meaningful learning of Trigonometric Function Transformations. Revista Do Instituto GeoGebra Internacional De São Paulo, 13(1), 161–195.