Use of GeoGebra to facilitate the understanding of the definitions of amplitude, period and phase diagram of the graphs of the trigonometric functions’ sine and cosine




GeoGebra, sine, cosine


The objective of this work is to improve the compression of the definitions of amplitude, period and phase diagram of the trigonometric sine and cosine functions, using the GeoGebra software. The Methodology was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach, in which a couple of surveys were used for the students of the course: a) the first (Pre-test), which was applied at the end of the class where the definitions were studied of amplitude, period and phase shift of the graphs of the sine and cosine functions, applying a static geometric system (SGE) b) the second (Post-test) that was filled out by the students, once they carried out some activities that involved the previously mentioned concepts, but with the help of the GeoGebra software, which is a representative of a dynamic geometric system (DGS). It was possible to encourage students to use GeoGebra in their future teaching practice, the latter is very well supported in the positive response that all students expressed in a Post-test question.


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How to Cite

García-Ortiz, A. J., Camacho, R. V. S. ., & Bennasar-Garcia, M. I. (2024). Use of GeoGebra to facilitate the understanding of the definitions of amplitude, period and phase diagram of the graphs of the trigonometric functions’ sine and cosine. Journal of the GeoGebra International Institute of São Paulo, 13(3), 005–026.