
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original and has not been previously published; no excerpts from other papers authored or coauthored by me are transcribed in it. It has not been submitted to Bakhtiniana before. It has not been submitted to another journal for consideration.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format and written in Portuguese or English. 

  • If available, URLs of online references were provided.

  • The text uses 1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs; between the heading of each section and the previous/next text, it uses a 1.5 blank line space, 0 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after; a line (1,5 spacing was added between the KEYWORDS and the beginning of the text; it uses italics and not underlined fonts (underlines are only used for URLs); all illustrations, figures, tables are placed in the text and not at the end as appendices.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the ‘Author’s Guidelines,’ which is found in ‘About the Journal.’

  • In case the manuscript was submitted to a peer review section, such as ‘articles,’ the instructions in ‘Ensuring blind peer review’ were followed.

    We only adopt an Open Peer Review system when authors and reviewers explicitly declare to agree to interact directly with one another. Authors must make their option clear in the “Open Science Compliance Form” (Supplementary File WTHOUT WHICH THE SUBMISSION CANNOT BE REVIEWED). Reviewers must make their option clear when indicating their availability for reviewing the submission by email.

  • The author is aware that if he/she does not meet the requirements hereby stated, the submission may be rejected at any stage of the process.

  • The author(s) did not have an article published by Bakhtiniana in the last 18 months.

Author Guidelines

Types of Documents Accepted


Bakhtiniana. Revista de Estudos do Discurso welcomes submissions of original articles and book reviews written by professors and/or researchers from international and national universities.


Submissions should be made in Portuguese or English.


Preprints are accepted as long as they are not being reviewed by another journal. Authors who opt for preprints and further or simultaneous submission to Bakhtiniana must: a) have their manuscripts exclusively deposited at the SciELO Preprints server; and b) inform that the manuscript is deposited at the SciELO Preprints server, as well as provide their name and URL at the  “Open Science Compliance Form” (a document to the filled out and attached as supplementary file during submission. SUBMISSION WITHOUT THIS DOCUMENT CANNOT BE REVIEWED).


Online Submissions

Login” on the menu bar and, then, on “Not a user? Register with this site.” Enter the necessary information, paying attention to the fields with an asterisk as they are required. Also inform your ORCID account in the ORCID iD field and choose Author in the field “Register as.” Do not forget to click on “Register” at the bottom of the page.

Logged in, click on “Author,” which takes you the “Active submissions” page.  Start a new Submission by clicking on “Click here” so you can start the five-step submission process as described below:

1- Start: Select the appropriate section for your submission and the submission language. Indicate that you agree with the journal’s policies by checking the submission statements in the Submission Checklist and Copyright Notice.

2- Uploading the Submission: Upload the submission file.

3- Entering the Submission’s Metadata: Inform first, middle and last names, email address, ORCID iD, affiliation, country, bio statement (including department, city and state), title, abstract and keywords of the manuscript, contributors and supporting agencies related to the submission (if available, provide the number of the process in the agency).

4- Upload Supplementary Files:

Complete and attach the  “Open Science Compliance  Form” (Supplementary File WTHOUT WHICH THE SUBMISSION CANNOT BE REVIEWED)

We clarify that Bakhtiniana encourages authors to make available all content (data, software codes and other materials) underlying the manuscript text whether previously or at the time of publication. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. The objective is to facilitate the manuscript evaluation and, if it is approved, contribute to preserving and reusing the contents and research.

If necessary, upload files that provide supplementary information, such as research tools; sets of data and tables; the identification of the process submitted to an ethics committee that approved the research to be conducted; the authorization for the use of images; sources that otherwise would be unavailable to readers, or figures and tables that cannot be integrated into the text itself.

5-Confirmation: Finish submission.

After submission is confirmed, authors will receive a confirmation e-mail from the journal editor. Then, they can follow the process, which involves the acceptance of the manuscript, peer review, manuscript editing, and publication. All submitted articles, including those already available at SciELO Preprints, are evaluated by peer reviewers who are selected by the editors.

 Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Bakhtiniana. Revista de Estudos do Discurso follows the guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) for citations and references with some variations made at the editors’ discretion, as explained below.

- Article Format

Articles should be 15 to 25 pages long. You can use up to 3 additional pages for appendices. Articles should have a limit of 45,000 characters (with spaces).

1 Page setup: Page size should be A4 (210 X 297 mm), portrait orientation, with margins of 3cm on all four edges.

2 Font type: The text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12.

3 Spacing: Use 1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs. Between the heading of each section and the previous/next text, insert a 1.5 blank line spacing, 0 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after. Add a line (1.5 spacing) between the PALAVRAS-CHAVE and the beginning of the text.

4 Paragraph indentation: Indent the first line of each paragraph by 1.25 cm.

5 Digital Assets: Tables, figures (drawings, graphs, photographs, etc.) and appendices should be ready for printing, following general formatting guidelines. They should be added in the right places in the text by the author. If an appendix is a published text, authors must include the bibliographic reference of the text and send to the editors of Bakhtiniana the permission to publish it. Moreover, Bakhtiniana will ONLY publish copyrighted images with copyright owner’s permission.

6 Statement of author’s contribution: The various authors' individual contributions to the elaboration of the article should be specified. We emphasize that the recognition of authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the following:

  1. Conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
  3. Final approval of the version to be published;
  4. Accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Authors should meet all four conditions.

First Page

1 The title in English should be in Times New Roman, font size 14, boldface and centered. Use title case. This title should be followed by a slash and its translation into Portuguese. The translated title should be in boldface, italics, and sentence case. Use title case only for the title in English.   

2 The name(s) of the author(s) is/are added after 3 single-spaced lines below the translated title. It/They should be in italics, and on the right margin. Use capital letters for initials only. The name(s) should be followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote (Times New Roman, font size 10 pt, single-spaced, and text justification). On the footnote inform the author’s affiliation/institution and the acronym of the institution, followed by the name of the College/School/Faculty/Center, Department, Campus, the city, state (province), country;  indication of the contributors and supporting agencies related to the submission, if any; the ORCID iD; the email address (without the word email). Follow the example below.

* Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP, Faculdade de Filosofia, Comunicação e Artes, Departamento de Ciências da Linguagem e Filosofia, Campus Perdizes, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; FAPESP, Proc. NNNN/NNNN-N;;

3 The word ABSTRACT, in capital letters, should be added below 3 blank single-spaced lines from the (last) author’s name. Do not use colon or indentation.

4 Immediately below the word ABSTRACT, the text of the abstract should appear without indentation and be single-spaced. Use Times New Roman, font size 12. It should not exceed 150 words, nor should it include any references.

5 The KEYWORDS should appear in the single-spaced line below the abstract. Do not exceed 5 words/expressions. Use sentence-style capitalization and separate each word/expression with semicolons. Do not place a period after the last word. Follow the example below.

KEYWORDS: Carnival; Dialogism; Reversible time; Utterance; Public and private spheres

6 The word RESUMO, in italics, in capital letters, should be added below 3 blank single-spaced lines from the KEYWORDS. Do not use colon or indentation. Begin the Portuguese version of the abstract text on the line below.

7 The Portuguese version of the abstract text should appear without indentation and be single-spaced. Use Times New Roman, font size 12 and italics. It should not exceed 150 words, nor should it include any references.

8 The word PALAVRAS-CHAVE should appear in the single-spaced line below the Portuguese version of the abstract text. This Portuguese traslation of the Keywords should be in italics. Do not exceed 5 words/expressions. Use sentence-style capitalization and separate each word/expression with semicolons. Do not place a period after the last word. Follow the example below.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Carnavalização; Dialogismo; Tempo reversível; Enunciado; Esferas pública e privada

Body of the Text: Epigraphs, Sections, Subsections, Footnotes


To add an epigraph, use 6pt after spacing below the last keywords. Use 1,5 spacing, font size 11 and right justification. Only the author’s name should be added below the epigraph: the year and the page number are not given. An epigraph’s source should be listed in the references section.

Sections and Subsections

Section and subsection headings should be in bold and not indented. Number them with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) with no period after them. Do not number the introduction, conclusion or bibliography. Texts written originally in English should use title case for headings.

When referencing and the author’s name does not occur naturally in the sentence, the author’s surname, the year, and the page number (the latter in case of direct quotations) are separated by commas and given in parentheses. See the example: (Bakhtin, 2003, pp. 261-306). If the author’s name occurs naturally in the sentence, the year, and the page number (the latter in case of direct quotations) are given in parentheses. See the example: Bakhtin (2003, pp. 261-306).

NEVER use Idem, Ibidem, Op. Cit. Follow the conventions described here.


Footnotes should appear at the end of the page, numbered sequentially according to its appearance in the manuscript. Use font size 10 and single spacing.


The Use of Italics, Boldface, Underline and Quotation Marks

Italics: Use it in three situations: foreign words, titles of books in the body of the text, emphasis on a word or passage.

Boldface: Use it only for titles and headings.

Underline: Never use it.

Quotation marks: Use double quotation marks only for direct quotations. Never use them for the titles of articles, songs, and book chapters, which are given no typographical emphasis. See the example below.

Ex.: In the essay titled The Problem of Speech genres, Bakhtin explains that “All the diverse areas of human activity involve the use of language.” (2016, p 11)


The first time an author is cited, her/his full name must be used without abbreviations.

Ex.: In the essay titled The Problem of Speech genres, Mikhail Bakhtin (1986, p. 60) explains that “All the diverse areas of human activity involve the use of language.”

Direct Quotations: Four lines or longer

Direct quotations of four or more lines should set off from the text as a block quote by beginning a new line and indenting 4cm from the left margin. Use font size 11 and single spacing. Do not use quotation marks. After the excerpt, the author’s surname, the year, and the page number are separated by commas and given in parentheses.

When citing works with four or more authors, the surname of the first author should be given, followed by the Latin expression et al. in italics. See the example: (Cassanas et al., 2003, p. 205).

Translations into English (or the other language of the manuscript) of quotations from foreign works must be provided in the body of the text, and the original excerpt should be presented in a footnote. It is best that published translations be used. In case they do not exist, justify the free translation in a footnote.


The heading REFERENCES should be in capital letters and not in boldface. It should appear below the last line of the paper with 1.5 line spacing, 6 pt spacing before and 0 pt spacing after. Do not use indentation.

The first entry should appear in the line below the word REFERENCES. Entries in the reference list should follow alphabetical order and not be numbered. They should be single-spaced, with 6 pt spacing before and 0 pt spacing after between them.

Entries by the same author should be listed in date order from earliest to most recent. If entries by an author fall in the same year, they should be differentiated by lowercase letters following the date (e.g., 2010a, 2010b, 2010c).

The name(s) of the translator(s) and the author(s) of other sections, such as foreword, introduction, etc., should be presented in the entry (e.g., Edited and translated by Caryl Emerson; introduction by Wayne C. Booth).

The use of published translations directly from the original is mandatory.    

1 Books

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the Book (italics and Title Case): subtitle (no italics, Title Case). Translated by Name of the translator. Printing edition. Place: Publishing House, date. Follow the examples below.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Os gêneros do discurso. Organização, tradução, posfácio e notas Paulo Bezerra. Notas da edição russa Serguei Botcharov. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2016.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Teoria do romance II: As formas do tempo e do cronotopo. Tradução, posfácio e notas Paulo Bezerra. Organização da edição russa Serguei Botcharov e Vadim Kójinov. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2018.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. Edited and translated by Caryl Emerson; introduction by Wayne C. Booth. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Rabelais and his World. Translated by Helene Iswolsy. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1984.

MEDVIEDEV, Pável Nikoláievitch. O método formal nos estudos literários: Introdução crítica a uma poética sociológica. Tradução e Nota das tradutoras de Sheila Grillo e Ekaterina Vólkova Américo. Apresentação Beth Brait. Prefácio Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo. São Paulo: Contexto, 2012.

VOLÓCHINOV, Valentin. (Círculo de Bakhtin). Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem: Problemas fundamentais do método sociológico na ciência da linguagem. Tradução, Notas e Glossário Sheila Grillo; Ekaterina Vólkova Américo. Ensaio introdutório Sheila Grillo. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2017.

VOLOŠINOV, Valentin Nikolaevich. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Translated by Ladislav Matejka and I. R. Titunik. Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1986.


2 Book Chapter or Essay in a Collection

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the Chapter (no italics, Title Case). In (italics): AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (ed., org., coord.). Title of the Book (italics and Title Case): subtitle (no italics, Title Case). Translated by Name of the translator. Printing edition. Place: Publishing House, date. pp. (pages of chapter or essay). Follow the examples below.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail Mikhailovich. Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity. In: BAKHTIN, Mikhail Mikhailovich. Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays by M. M. Bakhtin. Edited by Michael Holquist and Vadim Liapunov; translated by Vadim Liapunov. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1990. pp. 4-256.

BRAIT, Beth. A chegada de Voloshinov/Bakhtin ao Brazil na década de 1970. In: ZANDWAISS, Ana. (org.). História das ideias: Diálogos entre linguagem, cultura e história. Passo Fundo: Ed. Universidade de Passo Fundo, 2012. pp. 216-243.

BRAIT, Beth. Alteridade, dialogismo, heterogeneidade: Nem sempre o outro é o mesmo. In: BRAIT, Beth. (org.). Estudos enunciativos no Brazil: Histórias e perspectivas. Campinas, SP: Pontes/FAPESP, 2001. pp. 07-25.

GRILLO, Sheila Vieira de Camargo. A obra em contexto: tradução, história e autoria. In: MEDVIEDEV, Pável Nikoláievitch. O método formal nos estudos literários: Introdução crítica a uma poética sociológica. Tradução e Nota das tradutoras de Sheila Grillo e Ekaterina Vólkova Américo. Apresentação Beth Brait. Prefácio Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo. São Paulo: Contexto, 2012. pp. 19-38.

MORSON, Gary Saul. The Process of Ideological Becoming. In: BALL, Arnetha. F.; FREEDAM, Sarah Warshauer (ed.). Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language, Literacy and Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. pp. 315-331.


3 Paper in Conference Proceedings

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title (no italics, Title Case): Subtitle (no italics, Title Case). In (italics): Name of the Conference (no italics, Title Case), number, year, place of its realization. Publication title (italics, Title Case): publication subtitle (no italics, Title Case). Place of publication (city): Publishing House, date. pp. (initial and final pages of the paper). Follow the examples below.

Ex.: FARACO, Carlos Alberto. Voloshinov um coração humboldtiano? In: XI Conferência Internacional sobre Bakhtin, 11, 2003, Curitiba. Anais […]. Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2004. pp. 261-264.

SANDLER, Sergeiy. Whose Words Are These Anyway? In: Dialogues with Bakhtinian Theory: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference, 13, 2012, London. Proocedings [...]. London: Mestengo Press, 2012. pp. 227-242.


4 Articles Published in Journals

4.1 Articles Published in Journals (with DOI)

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the paper (no italics, Title Case). Title of the Journal (italics, Title Case), city, volume and issue of the journal, initial and final pages of the paper, and publication date. DOI: xxx. Follow the examples below.

Ex.: SANTOS, José Deribaldo Gomes. Jackson do Pandeiro: Notes on the Daily Life in the Works of the King of Rhythm. Bakhtiniana, Rev. Estud. Discurso, São Paulo, v. 18, n. 1, pp. 54-83, March 2023. DOI:

EMERSON, Caryl. The Bakhtin of Boris Groys: Pro and Contra. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, Pittsburgh, v. 5, n. 23, pp. 6-11, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.5195/dpj.2017.214.

4.2 Articles Published in Journals (no DOI):

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the paper (no italics, Title Case). Title of the Journal (italics, Title Case), city, volume and issue of the journal, initial and final pages of the paper, and publication date. In case the article is published in an online journal, add the link to the article and the access date. Follow the examples below.

BRAIT, Beth. Língua nacional: identidades reivindicadas a partir de lugares institucionais. Gragoatá, Niterói, n.11, pp. 141-155, 2. sem. 2001. Available at: Access on 13 June 2024.

BEZERRA, Diego Michel Nascimento. The Historical Discursive Production of the Name of the Apurinã Language. Bakhtiniana, Rev. Estud. Discurso, São Paulo, v. 15, n. 2, pp. 8-32, June 2020. Available at: Access on 13 June 2024.

THOMSON, Clive. Bakhtin’s Toward a Philhosophy of the Act: Performance and Paranoςa. Dialog, Karnaval, Kronotop, Moscow, v. 38, n. 1, pp. 75-90, 2002.

4.3 Articles Published in Newspapers

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the article (no italics, Title Case). Title of Newspaper (italics, Title Case), issue, place, initial and final pages, day, month, year. Follow the examples below.

Ex.: BRAZIL, Ubiratan. Borges admirava faroestes e a Lua. O Estado de S. Paulo, Caderno 2, São Paulo, p. D3, 31 out. 2009. Available at:,borges-admirava-faroestes-e-a-lua,459123. Access on 13 June 2024.

MORSON, Gary Saul. Two Voices in Every Head. The New York Times, Section 7, New York, p. 32, 10 Feb. 1985.


5 Theses and Dissertations

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title (italics, Title Case): subtitle (no italics, Title Case), year, number of pages. Type of work (thesis or dissertation) (Area) – Name of the institution, city, year. Follow the examples below.

FOMIN, Carolina Fernandes Rodrigues. O tradutor intérprete de libras no teatro: A construção de sentidos a partir de enunciados cênicos. 2018. 250 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2018.

TARVI, Ljuba. Comparative Translation Assessment: Quantifying Quality. 2004. 270 p. (PhD thesis in Arts) – Helsinki University, Helsinki, 2004.


6 Other Online Documents

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of Document (no italics, Title Case). In (italics): Title of Website (italics, Title Case). City, date. Available at: electronic address. Access on: day abbreviated month year. Follow the examples below.

Ex.: PISTORI, Maria Helena Cruz. A verdade do “bilete” e nosso mundo da pós-verdade. In: SCIELO em perspectiva: humanas. São Paulo, 13 fev. 2020. Available at: Access on: 13 June 2024.

SHAWN, Rowe. Dialogic Research. In: The Free-choice Learning Laboratory at HSMSC. Corvallis, 02 Dec. 2013. Available at: Access on: 11 March 2021.


7 Films

TITLE OF THE FILM. Director and/or producer. Country of origin: Production Studio, year of production. Place of Distributor (city): Name of distributor, date. VHS or DVD (Duration time), colored or b & w. Follow the examples below.

MACUNAÍMA. Direção (roteiro e adaptação) de Joaquim Pedro de Andrade. Brazil: Filmes do Serro/Grupo Filmes/Condor Filmes, 1969. Rio de Janeiro: Videofilmes, 1969. Versão restaurada digitalmente, 2004. DVD (105 minutos), colorido.

JOKER. Direction by Todd Philips. United States: Warner Bros. Pictures/ DC Films / Join Effort / Bron Creative / Village Roadshow Pictures, 2019. Burbank, CA: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2019. DVD (122 min.), colored.


8 Paintings, Photographs, Drawings, etc.

AUTHOR. Title [In case there is no title, add ‘without title’ between square brackets]. Date. Specification.

You may add more details for a better identification. Follow the examples below.

ALMEIDA JÚNIOR. Caipira picando fumo. 1893. Óleo sobre tela, 202 x 141 cm. Acervo da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo.

MAES, Nicolaes. The Holy Family (drawn after Rembrandt). 1748-750. Drawing (red chalk, brown ink and wash) on vellum, 22.3 x 28 cm. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology.

Images will only be reproduced in the article with the expressed authorization of the copyright owner. See Figures below.


9 Recordings

9.1 Commercially released CD, Records, Cassettes, etc.

Title of the work (First word in capital letters). Primary contributor (songwriter, singer): Name of the singer or group. Location: Label, date. Medium of recording (CD, record, cassette, etc.) (length in minutes, seconds). Follow the examples below.

CAETANEAR. Intérprete: Caetano Veloso. São Paulo: Polygram, 1989. 1 CD (41 min. 42 s.)

I never loved a man the way I love you. Singer: Aretha Franklin. New York: Atlantic Recording Studios, 1967. Record (32 min. 51 s.)

9.2 Songs

TITLE of track (First word in capital letters). Singer: Name. Songwriter(s): Name(s). In (italics): Title of the work (FIRST word in capital letters). Primary contributor (songwriter, singer): Name of the singer or group. Location: Label, date. Medium of recording (CD, record, cassette, etc.), track number.

LUZ do sol. Compositor e intérprete: Caetano Veloso. In: CAETANEAR. Intérprete: Caetano Veloso. São Paulo: Polygram, 1989. 1 CD, faixa 5.

RESPECT. Singer: Aretha Franklin. Songwriter: Otis Redding. In: I never loved a man the way I love you. Singer: Aretha Franklin. New York: Atlantic Recording Studios, 1967. Record, track 1.



Appendices, if applicable, should be added after the reference list, followed the word Appendix, which should not be numbered or indented. If more than one appendix is added, they should be differentiated by consecutive capital letters (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.).



Acknowledgments, if available, should be short and added after the reference list or the appendix (if there is any).



Any type of figure (drawing, flowchart, photograph, snapshot, graph, table, map, chart, plant, portrait, image, etc.) should be in JPEG format, labeled and numbered sequentially according to its appearance in the article. After the number, add a dash and the title of the figure (Figure 1 – Title). It is important to highlight that Bakhtiniana will only publish authorized images by copyright owners.


General Format of Book Reviews

Since 2018 the indexation, publication and inclusion in the SciELO Collection’s performance metrics has depended on (i) the scientific relevance of the manuscripts; (ii) the institutional affiliation of the authors, (iii) different headings for the manuscript and its sections, and (iv) citations and bibliographical references.

As for book reviews, only critical reviews that contribute to the development of new knowledge are accepted. Therefore, they should be more than just book summaries and dialogue with other authors/works. The bibliographic references of the quoted works should be listed at the end of the review.

The journal only accepts reviews of books published in Brazil within the last 2 years and the ones published abroad, within the last 4 years.

1 General Format of Reviews

Page setup: Page size should be A4 (210 X 297 mm), portrait orientation, with margins of 3cm on all four edges.

Font type: The text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12.

Spacing: Use 1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs. Between the title of each section and the previous/next text, insert a 1.5 blank line space, 0 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after.

Paragraph indentation: Indent the first line of each paragraph by 1.25 cm.

Manuscript size: reviews should not exceed 10,000 characters. They should be 6 to 8 pages long.

2 Formatting the First Page

The full bibliographic reference of the reviewed work, including the number of pages it contains, should start the review on the top of the first page. It should be typed in boldface, Times New Roman, font size 14, and single spacing. There should be no titles, abstracts or keywords in book reviews.

The name of the author is added after 3 single-spaced lines below the bibliographic reference in italics on the right margin. Use capital letters for initials in the name, which should be followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote (Times New Roman, font size 10 pt, single-spaced, and text justification). On the footnote inform the author’s affiliation/institution and the acronym of the institution, followed by the name of the College/School/Faculty/Center, Department, Campus, the city, state (province), country.  Indication of the contributors and supporting agencies related to the submission, if any, the ORCID iD, and the email address (without the word email). Follow the example below.

* Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP, Faculdade de Filosofia, Comunicação e Artes, Departamento de Ciências da Linguagem e Filosofia, Campus Perdizes, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; FAPESP, Proc. NNNN/NNNN-N;;

Book Cover Image: Add the image of the book cover 2 single-spaced lines below the name of the reviewer. It should fill the page.


Guidelines for the Portuguese Version of Accepted Papers

Accepted papers in English will be sent back to the author, who will, then, be required to provide a Portuguese version within the due date informed on the acceptance email message. Bakhtiniana will assign referees to analyze the quality of the translation. In other words, the referees will verify language accuracy and adequacy of the translated article in Portuguese.

In general, the guidelines for the Portuguese version are similar to those for the original paper. However, the translator of the paper must observe the following specific guidelines.

1 For the translation of the title in Portuguese, use Times New Roman, size 14, sentence-style capitalization, centered without margins, in boldface, followed by a slash and its title in English in italics.

2 The guidelines for the Resumo and the abstract are the same. However, the Resumo must be presented before the abstract.   

3 The title of sections and subsections follow sentence-style capitalization.

4 The guidelines for the use of italics, boldface, underline and quotation marks are the same of the text in English.

5 When a specific work has a published Portuguese translation, quotations must be taken from the Portuguese translation and not freely translated. The reference of the Portuguese version must be presented on a footnote – not in the bibliographic reference list.

6 When the work cited has no Portuguese version, the quotation(s) must be freely translated into Portuguese, and the quotation in the original language must be presented on a footnote.

7 The presentation of the bibliographic references in the reference list must be the same in both texts (original and version) and in the same language. As stated in # 5, the reference of the Portuguese version of a book must be presented on a footnote, not in the reference list.

Articles will only be published if the English and the Portuguese versions are accepted. The article is not published if one of the versions is rejected. 

The translator’s name and email address must be indicated at the end of the article. This does not apply to companies, which are not disclosed by Bakhtiniana.


Additional Information

The journal editors reserve the right to reject a manuscript if it does not meet the standards and requirements for publication.

If submission is accepted, peer referees will be chosen based on their area of research or expertise. The author will receive the reviews as soon as the evaluation process is over. If the decision is “Accept after revision,” the author will receive the comments of the referees in order to make the necessary corrections.

The evaluation process of submitted articles is threefold: (i) the evaluation by peer reviewers; (ii) the evaluation of the translated version by members of the Foreign Language Editorial Board, and (iii) the evaluation by the editors. The publication of the article depends on this threefold approval. 



Papers sent by email and not submitted through the Journal website ( will not be accepted.

Besides, Bakhtiniana does not translate or review manuscripts for authors.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.