Between the Witness and the Word, the Duty to Speak: Testimony as the Object of an Anthropology of the Enunciation
o testemunho como objeto de uma Antropologia da Enunciação
Witness, Testimony, Torture, Anthropology of EnunciationAbstract
This work is about the imbrication between writing and testimony, based on the work Retrato calado [Silenced Portrait], by Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes. Although “evident,” it is a relationship that carries a particularity: the person who writes does so, asking oneself questions about the role of enunciation, about the meanings that the language inscribes about itself and about violence. Based on the principles of the Anthropology of Enunciation, as Flores[1] proposes, the analytical gesture carried out assumes linguistics as knowledge about man in his loquens property, specifically at the moment in which one singularizes in/through discourse.
[1]May this work be a gesture of gratitude and recognition, albeit modest, to Professor Valdir do Nascimento Flores, his work, his teaching and his generosity.
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