A sala de aula democrática. A voz do aluno. O currículo integrador.Resumo
Salas de aula democráticas valorizam coisas como a voz do aluno, um currículo integrador, disciplinas centradas na resolução de problemas, atividades colaborativas, recursos multiculturais e avaliações reflexivas. Nem sempre é fácil começar e a autonomia do professor é frequentemente limitada, mas existem muitas maneiras de dar vida à democracia na sala de aula, desde que estejamos determinados a fazer isto. Este artigo explora algumas dessas possibilidades.
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BRODHAGEN, B. Assessing and reporting student progress in an integrative curriculum. Teaching and change, n. 1, p. 238-54, 1994.
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BRODHAGEN, B.; WEILBACHER, G.; BEANE, J. What we’ve learned from "Living in the Future". In: BEYERAND, L.; APPLE, M. (Eds.) The curriculum: problems, politics, and possibilities. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1998.
GRADY, E. New needs, new curriculum. Educational Leadership, vol. 61, n.4, p. 65-68, dec./2003-jan./2004.
HESS, D. Teaching Controversial public issues discussions: learning from skilled teachers. Theory and research in social education, vol. 30, n. 1, p. 10-41, 2002.
MARKS, H.; NEWMANN, F; GAMORAN, A. Does authentic pedagogy increase student achievement? In: NEWMANN, F. et al. Authentic achievement: restructuring schools for intellectual quality. San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 1996, p. 49-73.
MEIER, D.; SCHWARTZ, P. Central Park East Secondary School: the hard partis making It happen. In: APPLE, M. W; BEANE, J. (Eds.) Democratic schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2007.
NAGEL, N. Learning through real-world problem solving. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 1996.
NEWMANN, F. et al. Authentic achievement: restructuring schools for intellectual quality. San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 1996.
PETERSON, R. La Escuela Fratney: a journey toward democracy. In: APPLE, M. W; BEANE, J. (Eds.) Democratic schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2007.
ROSENSTOCK, L; STEINBERG, A. Beyond the shop: reinventing vocational education. In: APPLE, M. W; BEANE, J. (Eds.) Democratic schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2007.
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