
  • Marcelo Bernardo de Lima Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Miriam Struchiner Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Genetics Teaching. Socio-Scientific Issues. Science, Technology, and Society. Responsible Research and Innovation. ENGAGE.


The objective of this study is to present e-CRIA, a teaching model developed to stimulate critical thinking, classroom discussions, and student active participation in Science learning. It also intends to discuss e-CRIA applications in Genetics classes at a Biological Sciences course. Critical Science Education involves new approaches to deal with the impacts off scientific and technological advancements, as a way to prepare students to make decisions related to these issues. In this way, different approaches such as Science, Technology, and Society (STS), Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI), and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) have been adopted aiming at citizenship education. Nine students and two professors of the Biological Sciences course in a Brazilian Federal University were involved in this participatory research. The e-CRIA teaching model was developed collaboratively with the teachers and implemented in an elective course. Classroom activities were observed and recorded with field notes and audio recordings. In addition, student produced material has been analyzed. Data were analyzed through qualitative methods. The teaching model developed can be summarized in five steps: choice of sources; reliability analysis; information analysis; and communication and reflection. This model was adopted to discuss controversies related with Transgenic and Behavioral Genetics in four activities: news analysis; news production; mock trial, and lesson plans production. Students acted as protagonists, favoring collaboration, dialogue between those involved, and developed critical thinking.


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Dossiê Temático: "Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis na Educação"