About the Journal

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope



The aim of the journal is to encourage publications, disseminate research studies and raise the standard of scientific output in both the national and international spheres of education. This is undertaken by adopting a critical and emancipatory approach and being committed to overcoming every kind of inequality and cultural oppression, while showing a particular interest in the subarea of the Curriculum.

The journal is the outcome of the dedication shown by researchers in providing space for the publication of original work which has resulted from scientific research into matters that concern current educational questions and can lead to reflection, discussion and further investigation into the subareas of the Curriculum. Moreover, the journal regards curricular matters as essential for planning and creating a school curriculum, as well as other educative spaces in the globalized world. This makes it a key factor in educational policymaking which is  aimed at speeding up the process of making scientific knowledge widespread in the area. It is thus concerned with disseminating academic/scientific research in Education with a particular emphasis on the Curriculum, while being aware that this is of paramount importance for educational and social development.




Section Policies



São textos que tratam de resultados de pesquisas de natureza teórica ou empírica e que expressam alguma contribuição original para as temáticas do campo de pesquisa da Educação, com potencial de contribuir para novas problemáticas de investigação e como referência de outros estudos.

Todos os trabalhos científicos dessa seção passam pelas etapas abaixo:


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Abrangem textos que apresentem uma análise de obra publicada nos últimos cinco anos, escritos originalmente me Português ou em outra linguas (Inglês, Espanhol, Francês, Italiano), com ênfase na área de Educação. As resenhas devem ter entre 3 a 6 páginas apenas (espaço 1,5 - fonte 12).

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

ABdC2021 De que currículo precisamos em tempos de democracia fraturada, subtração de direitos sociais e crise sanitária?

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process



The Revista e-Curriculum adopts a peer review system which is consolidated by the following procedures:

1. Receipt of scientific work through the online, submission service accessed by the journal site (http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/curriculum/index).

2. Assessment by the Editorial Board of the relevance of the manuscript to the subarea of the Curriculum and whether it conforms to the scope and technical criteria laid down in the regulatory standards of the journal (Abstract, keywords, regulatory standards).

3. Referral to ad hoc academic assessors (two for each submission), appointed by the Editorial Board of the Revista e-Curriculum, on the basis of of their proven knowledge in the field of research being evaluated. The manuscript are examined through the blind peer review system to ensure their anonymity

4. Analysis and comparison of the reviews.

4.1. The manuscripts that are accepted are forwarded to the authors with the favourable opinion of the reviewers/referees. The Editorial Board can request adjustments to the text on the basis of the comments and possible recommendations made by the reviewers  and the Board itself.

4.2. When there is a divergence of view betweeen the rewiers, the manuscripts are sent to a third reviewer to make a final decision as a tie-breaker.

4.3. No submission is accepted if both reviewers/referees are opposed to its publication.

5. The manuscript can only be accepted and a date fixed for its publication after the author has met all the recommendations and made all the required adjustments to the text.

6. After the manuscript has been finally accepted, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to send it for a language review and ensure it complies  with all the criteria and standards of the Revista e-Curriculum (which will be undertaken by a professional  specialist recommended by the journal), as well to meet any costs incurred.

7. Throughout this process, the anonymity of the author(s) and reviewers/referees is protected.

8. The following criteria are adopted for the review of the scientific manuscript:

a) It is an original contribution that has never been published in its particular field of research which includes the area of Education and its subareas, with an emphasis on the Curriculum. The term ¨unpublished work¨ should be understood as covering something that has not been published in full in any national or foreign publication (or in the proceedings of conferences and seminars or in virtual spaces of the Internet) with a view to disseminating scientific and academic work.

b) Framework for the area: education and subareas of the Curriculum.

c) Alignment with the standards set for the journal, as specified in the guidelines for the authors.

d) Correction of language following the format of the Times New Roman font, size 12, with  1.5 line spacing, margins of  2.5 cm  and  A4 size paper. More detailed specifications can be found in Guidelines for the Authors.

e) The articles in a foreign language must abide by the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).

f) Respect for ethics research criteria and principles.




Publication Frequency


Frequency of Publication: Quarterly publication with a constant flow of published articles



Open Access Policy

Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento.