
  • Adriana Regina de Jesus Santos University of Londrina, PR, Brazil
  • Rosana Pereira Lopes University of Londrina, PR, Brazil
  • Rogerio da Costa University of Londrina, PR, Brazil



School. Social classes. Ideology and power. Curriculum



This work looks at a bibliographical research developed with the purpose of identify and analyze, through curriculum theory, the meanings displayed with respect to social class and power relationship at school. Curriculum, social class and power relationship are the axis that will lead the analysis, having as the main theoretical references: Apple (1989, 2003), Sacristán (1999, 2000), Mcneil (2001), Marx & Engels (2006) and Silva (2010). Based on those productions, we try to evidence how social class and power relationship are constituted in traditional and critical curriculum conceptions. The study suggests the necessity of recognizing the curriculum as a territory of struggle, conflicts and contradictions that may, or not, confirm and legitimize a knowledge tending to favor the emancipation of the involved subjects in school processes. The research showed that the critical conception of curriculum favors the emancipation by legitimating the questioning attitude in the addressed actors of knowledge, present in school culture.

Author Biographies

Adriana Regina de Jesus Santos, University of Londrina, PR, Brazil

PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate in Education, Federal Fluminense University. Professor of the Pedagogy Course and the Master's and Doctoral Program of the State University of Londrina. Coordinator of the CNPq Research Group - Curriculum, Gender and Teaching. Londrina - Paraná - Brazil

Rosana Pereira Lopes, University of Londrina, PR, Brazil

PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Teacher of the Pedagogy Course of the State University of Londrina. Londrina - Paraná - Brazil

Rogerio da Costa, University of Londrina, PR, Brazil

Master in Social Sciences from the State University of Londrina. Teacher of Basic Education and Higher Education. Member of the CNPq Research Group - Curriculum, Gender and Teaching. Londrina - Paraná - Brazil.


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