
  • Paulo Sérgio Garcia Municipal University of  São Caetano do Sul, SP.



Curriculum. Elementary School. Science teachers.


The Brazilian tradition indicates that the curriculum elaboration, in the vast majority of the time, turned to the assistance of educational consultants in a centralized, prescriptive and vertical work. In this context, teachers have the task of putting it into practice. However, there are some experiences of teachers’ participation in curriculum elaboration. This study analyzes the teachers’ participation in terms of possibilities and constraints in the elaboration of the science curriculum for public elementary schools in one of the richest Brazilian cities. It means to investigate what we can learn from this process, considering the lack of tradition in this type of process in Brazil. In 2013, education experts, school principals, pedagogic coordinators and science teachers participated in this activity. The qualitative approach, action research, guided the data collection happened through interviews and observations with elementary school teachers in a period of six months. The results revealed that teacher participation, with different intensities, led to the teacher education and cooperation which, however, were conditioned by intervening factors, such as lack of time, support and understanding of the context. Understanding the sense of teacher participation in curriculum elaboration provides important clues for teacher education courses, for teacher educator, and school principals, who can use this data to prepare, among other things, continuing education.

Author Biography

Paulo Sérgio Garcia, Municipal University of  São Caetano do Sul, SP.

PhD in Education: School of Education of  São Paulo University. Professor of graduate courses in Education, and Coordinator of the Observatory of Education of the Great ABC:  Municipal University of  São Caetano do Sul.


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