
  • Glaucia da Silva Brito Federal University of Paraná, PR.
  • Ariana Gerzson Knoll Federal University of Paraná, PR.
  • Michele Simonian Federal Institute of Paraná, PR.




Teacher training. University. Elementary school.


This paper presents the results of an experiment developed by a Study and Research Group named Teacher, School and Educational Technologies (GEPPETE) when planning, developing and evaluating a course named Technology and Education in Cyberculture that was designed to help teachers in their training process. The course was part of a project named EduPesquisa conducted in a partnership with Curitiba’s Local Department of Education, the Federal University of Paraná and the National Department of Basic Education between the years 2013 and 2015. As to the methodology, authors like Saldaña (2013) and Bardin (2009) reference this production and the ATLAS.ti software was used for the qualitative data analysis. The theoretical foundations are based on Marcelo (1999), and Freire (1968, 1987 and 1998). This study aims to identify the consequences of elementary school teacher training when this occurs in partnership with a university. The research revealed explanatory categories of the process, which are the emotions of the teachers before the opportunity to study and research while on duty; the conceptual changes and points of view about the research; and writing an article on their studies, research and reflections, communicating them to their peers and the academic community. In other words, we may state that the process experienced by the teachers has approximated them to the university and to the “theoretical and academic life”, bringing the reality of the elementary school teacher’s personal and professional life closer to the scientific and theoretical production demands in their academic lives.

Author Biographies

Glaucia da Silva Brito, Federal University of Paraná, PR.

PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of  Santa Catarina, Brazil. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education: Culture, School and Teaching of the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná. Coordinator of the Geppete Research Group: Group of studies and research teacher, school and educational technologies

Ariana Gerzson Knoll, Federal University of Paraná, PR.

PhD student in Education at the Federal University of Paraná in the Graduate Program in Education: Culture, School and Education. Scholarship holder Capes / CNPQ

Michele Simonian, Federal Institute of Paraná, PR.

PhD student in Education by the Federal University of Paraná in the Graduate Program in Education: Culture, School and Teaching. Professor at the Federal Institute of Paraná.


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