
  • Pedro de Carvalho Pontual Popular Education Council of Latin América (CEAAL).




Popular Education. Citizen Participation. Public Policies.


The aim of this article is to support the thinking of citizen participation and the influence in public policies from the perspective of popular education. That subject have been matter of thinking get  from different practices of popular education in Latin America that have the aim of democratization of public policies and his management. We are involved with different practices and narratives about the subject and therefore we should do the explication about the meaning, the criterions and the methodologies that do the direction of popular education practices in this field of social life. The methodology that was used is a bibliographic review and a systematization of the actual debate in Latin America about this subject.  In CEAAL Popular Education Council of Latin America this subject is considered as an strategic key of action of popular education in this moment of many changes that we are living in Latin America and all over the world. Questions about our concept and kind of action of popular education we are referring and the direction and quality of the practices of influencing in public policies that we are running away, this are some of the subjects we are thinking about in CEAAL about the whole of popular education in this kind of practices.

Author Biography

Pedro de Carvalho Pontual, Popular Education Council of Latin América (CEAAL).

Graduated in Psicology by PUC-SP, Master and Phd in Education by PUC-SP At this moment is Honorary President of CEAAL_ Popular Education Council of Latin America, assistant professor of Ação Educativa and consultant in Education and Social Participation.


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