
  • C Maria Nela. Barba Téllez Centro de Estudios de didáctica Universitaria de las Tunas - Cuba


Creativity. Cultural Values. Learning Process


The article reflects on the impact of creativity in forming cultural values. It is assumed that creativity can not develop spontaneously - it must be guided and oriented in a dialectic interaction with the needs of society. This means that creativity develops under the conditions of a teaching process, which is also fundamentally one of communication, because all the educational influences, generated through the human relationships established in the process of learning, arise in situations of communication. Emphasis is placed on the need to seek alternatives which will encourage the development of creativity in the family, in the community, and in the very behavior of teachers and students, so that educational institutions may become laboratories of cultural learning. Starting from the basic principles of the Historico-Cultural theory of L.S.Vigotsky and his followers, a series of steps are proposed to stimulate the development of creativity with a view to building a better world.

Author Biography

C Maria Nela. Barba Téllez, Centro de Estudios de didáctica Universitaria de las Tunas - Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Master en Educación, Profesora auxiliar y coordinadora académica del Centro de Estudios de didáctica Universitaria de las Tunas - Cuba. Ha tutorado varios trabajos de Pre y Postgrado en la temática de creatividad, y publicado diversos artículos en revistas nacionales y extranjeras.


