
  • Aglaé Cecília Toledo Porto Alves PUC-SP


E-learnning. Training of teacher. Pedagogical mediation. Histories of life.


The objective of this dissertation is to make explicit how the reflections, the life experiences, and social interactions, with their critical incidents and their various time frames, are reflected in the accounts of Teachers of the Teacher Trainers in the SEE of Goiás course – Learning: Alternative Forms of Service. The study indicates the need for the Educator to look inside him/herself, to reflect on how his/her own experiences interfere in the relationship between him/herself and the other, in the understanding of the subjectivity of the various subjects in order to generate the objectivity which leads to the action of mediation in virtual environments. Distance Education is presented as a possibility to transgress the conservative model of education, to consider an education based on an innovative model able to embrace learning, uncertainty, dynamics, non-linearity, a high level of entropy, unpredictability, emotions, and the different time frames of the authors, as well as to promote collaboration in virtual learning communities and the capacity for self-organization, which are world views of contemporary society. It is not intended to denounce, but to announce. It is discussed that technology itself, although it is not neutral, is wanting of value or functionality. The great differential in how to make use of technology will be that which is its worst danger, but which also brings the greatest hopes. This is the human mind itself, and from it comes the great significance of the renovation of thought and of the development of educational professionals. The methodology of this work is analogous to an underground stem, like a bulb, made of layers as an onion, which is unseen, but is there. Without it, there is no continuity of life. It represents potential, a possibility of emergence, of coming into being, of reconstruction. There is no beginning and no end, just a middle, and, primarily, there is a multiple oneness. The first layer of this methodology is a brief outline of the SEE of Goiás course – Learning: lternative Forms of Service; the second layer is a dialog with myself about the various research questions; and, finally, the third layer is a dialogue with the Trainers of the Teacher Trainers, in search of emerging data, of tendencies, and of possible ongoing validations. Ultimately, it is intended to show that the Teacher’s knowing how to cannot be disassociated from knowing oneself.

Author Biography

Aglaé Cecília Toledo Porto Alves, PUC-SP

MESTRE - ÁREA: Educação e Currículo: Linha de Pesquisa: Novas Tecnologias em Educação. PUC/SP – 2003 LICENCIATURA: Biologia – instituto de biociências da universidade de são paulo – 1977 Pedagogia – Faculdade Plínio Augusto do Amaral - Amparo ECONOMIA – FUNDAÇÃO ARMANDO ÁLVARES PENTEADO – 2 ANOS – INCOMPLETO – 1975 ESPECIALIZAÇÕES: Universidade de Sevres - França Universidade de Salamanca - Espanha Universidade de Londres – Inglaterra ATIVIDADE ATUAL: Diretora Técnico de serviço – Coordenadora de EaD da CENP – Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SP


