<strong>SCHOOL CLASSROOM READING PRACTICE AND CONCEPTIONS: contributions to the teaching of the portuguese language</strong)


  • Renata Araújo Jatobá de Oliveira UFPE


Portuguese language reading, reading, teaching and learning how to read, school classroom reading.


The idea of this research began with the understanding of the reading difficulties students in elementary schools had. Based on Silva (1999), Martins (1994), Freire (2006), and Geraldi (1995) among others, we analyzed the discourse of two teachers from the second year of the second cycle of a reference school from in Recife. The objective was to know and to discuss conceptions and practices in the field of school classroom reading. The data analysis in the perspective of a indiciary paradigm research had made us realize the details present in the conception and practices of the observed teachers and, thus, we realized that it seems to have a relation between the pupils performances and the way that their teachers conceive and practice the reading; we also concluded that the pedagogical mediation and the interpretative work directed by the teachers, as long as they are centered in reflection, can help the development of understanding level, criticism and argument in students. It may be the significant factor for the school success concerning the local and national valuation income.

Author Biography

Renata Araújo Jatobá de Oliveira, UFPE

OLIVEIRA, Renata Araújo Jatobá de, Mestre em Educação pelo Núcleo de Didática de Conteúdos Específicos – Linguagem – do Programa de Pósgraduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Professora da PCR (Prefeitura da Cidade do Recife). Professora da Rede Particular de Ensino – Colégio Apoio. Professora Substituta da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco -UFPE – Centro de Educação – no curso de Pedagogia e nas Licenciaturas diversa. SUASSUNA, Lívia Doutora em Lingüística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco − Centro de Educação − Departamento de Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino


