
  • Neide Aparecida Arruda de Oliveira UNIFATEA
  • João Augusto Mattar Neto Universidade Anhembi Morumbi



Professional qualification. Interdisciplinarity. Pedagogy of projects. Research methods.


This article relates the methodology of project-based learning to the responsible research and innovation approach. Its objective is to evaluate how these two strategies can be combined in research in education. It involves a review of the literature on project-based learning and a case study in a higher education course at a university center in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), with data collection through document analysis, participant observation and questionnaires. One of the products resulting from the students’ activities in the course is the Folhetim Lorerianas literary supplement. The project employs the principle of public engagement from responsible research and innovation, for example through the interviews conducted by the course students with members of the Lorena Academy of Letters and the consequent participation of academics in the research. It also applies the principle of open access, since the supplement is shared with no costs on a virtual platform, allowing the entire community to benefit from the research results. The combination of an interdisciplinary project, active methodologies and these principles generates, among other results, reflection on the students’ own learning process and their adequate preparation for the job market. The article concludes that the combination of the methodology of project-based learning and the principles of the responsible research and innovation approach shows a promising contribution to research in education.


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Dossiê Temático: "Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis na Educação"