


Paulo Freire. International Influence. Curriculum Studies.


The book Pedagogy of the Oppressed (PO) is one of the major books of the 20th century according to the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS). To better understand Pedagogy of the Oppressed, that had its first in English language in 1970, we cannot avoid to read Pedagogy of Hope (1992), the book in which Freire made a reflective narrative about his own life. Our research questions are: Why is Paulo Freire an international author? How he influenced the international context of curriculum studies, initially with the publication of Pedagogy of the Oppressed in English language fifty years ago. Our research findings show that the international experience of exile imposed on Freire brings a new dimension to his work. His stay in Chile, having made contact with unions and workers, redefined his thesis Educação e Atualidade Brasileira, published in a book edition in English as Education and the Practice of Freedom. Freire amplifies his reflection and conclusions to finish the original text of Pedagogy of the Oppressed in Chile. Freire’s stay in Chile working with workers and intellectuals, such as his experience in World Council of Churches made possible to him to contact other countries and different realities. In his travels Freire is influenced by the international context as influencing many intellectuals among them, several critical educators of curriculum studies field.

Author Biography

Maria Inês Marcondes, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



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Dossiê Temático: "50 ANOS DA PEDAGOGIA DO OPRIMIDO: ler a realidade e construir a esperança"