Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Emancipation. Hope. Critical Pedagogy.Abstract
This paper aims to identify the repercussions of the Pedagogy of the oppressed for the academy and social movements, in order to contribute to human and social education in a critical perspective. It discusses the currency of the Freirean thinking, seeking to understand its strength to mobilize hope and to organize projects and practices that concretize the ideology of Pedagogy of the oppressed in the struggles of social emancipation. It is a qualitative research that used the documentary and bibliographic research approach based on the context of Paulo Freire’s work. In addition, this text analyzes the repercussions of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed to the contemporary sociocultural context. The results indicate the currency of the work, constituting an important basis for university studies and social movements, contributing to political education and liberation struggles. Therefore, it is one of the main works that has been indicated as a world reference in the area of education and the humanities.References
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