
  • Amancio Leandro Correa Pimentel Secretaria de Educação do Município do Crato/CE
  • Antônia Solange Pinheiro Xerez Universidade Estadual do Ceará



education. critical formation. scientific formation.


On this study, the aim was to dialectically think the categories: education, culture and “conscientização”, starting from the propositions enunciated by Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and affirmed in the continuity of his work, seeking interlocution with Gramsci. For such, an old criticism is assumed, nev-ertheless, more than necessary for the present day. It refers to the ideological speech on the neutrality of education. Reactive (political) uprisings, such as the School without Party movement, demonstrate the need to keep the discussion alive. The textual route leads to the premise that, once neutrality don’t exist and the society is a dispute place, so is the school too. At that, there is a need that teachers who are attuned to the interests of the oppressed working class, with their “conscientização”, militating for their formation beyond the strictly didactic-instrumental rationality, understand the educational process in its scientific, technical, instrumental, political and social. Thus, it is necessary to rigorously offer the teach-ing of humanity’s historically systematized contents, insofar its analysis is made starting from the cur-rent concrete reality, which shows itself effervescently in the classroom. That is, it is necessary to sys-tematize the educational work in such a way that the dimensions, referred to above, are increasingly in solidarity with one another. Therefore, the teaching of historical contents (past and present, local and global) and the concrete reality analysis, made with the help of a set acquired tools (the content’s knowledge), stand out, among the others, as important instruments of formation and development of critical conscience.

Author Biographies

Amancio Leandro Correa Pimentel, Secretaria de Educação do Município do Crato/CE

MESTRE em Educação e Ensino pelo Mestrado Acadêmico Intercampi em Educação e Ensino-MAIE da Universidade Estadual do Ceará-UECE. PEDAGOGO pela Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA e ESPECIALISTA em Gestão Escolar pela Universidade Regiona do Cairi-URCA. Professor do Ensino Superior pelo PARFOR/URCA e professor efetivo da Educação Básica em Crato-Ceará.

Antônia Solange Pinheiro Xerez, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove-SP, atua na área de Políticas Educacionais, Trabalho e Educação e estar vinculada ao Mestrado Acadêmico Intercampi em Educação e Ensino.


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Amancio Leandro Correa PIMENTEL, Antônia Solange Pinheiro XEREZ

Educação, ação cultural e conscientização: doutrinação ou desvelamento? 1093

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Dossiê Temático: "50 ANOS DA PEDAGOGIA DO OPRIMIDO: ler a realidade e construir a esperança"