School, belonging and geography as school discipline
Curriculum, Geography teaching, School curriculumAbstract
This article analyzes the role of the school institution in the contemporary society and the purpose of geograpy as a discipline in the school curriculum. On the article, the school itself is discussed as a public institution - governed by the state - as well as the school curriculum, not only as a way of control, but also as a public policy in the service of creating an idea of belonging to a consistent world-wide order aligned with the industrial urban mode. This is a bibliographic research about the school institutionalization its curriculum, which, through the dialectical materialist method, alternates among scales of analysis in order to envision the role of the geography discipline - and its teaching - in creating and reinforcing the nationalism as a way to consolidate the idea of belonging to the contemporary world, which is marked by the omnipresence of national states. Finally, it presents a contribution to the curricular discussion about the meaning and the importance of the purposes of teaching this discipline in the school environment, especially regarding the strengthening of the debate about possibilities in the process of implementing the recently approved Common National Curricular Base (brazilian BNCC).
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