Aspects of Andrew Feenberg’s thought in the light of phenomenology
Andrew Feenberg, Herbert Marcuse, Martin Heidegger, education and technologyAbstract
The present work aims to understand aspects of Feenberg’s thought in a context in which technologies are part of the formative and productive processes, in addition to delineating human existence. The research has a theoretical nature, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological substantiation, based in the contributions of Bicudo (2011), whose theoretical framework runs through the works of Feenberg (2004; 2010; 2017), Heidegger (1959; 2002; 2007) and Marcuse (1973; 1999; 2001). In the face of the addressed references and although the philosophy of technology has come a long way since Heidegger and Marcuse, the results indicate that Feenberg elaborates his own theory, capable of responding to the specificities inserted in the historical situation in which people find themselves today.
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