experiences of programming and computational thinking to learn mathematics using Scratch




Teacher training and practice, Schedule, Computational thinking, Scratch, Collaborative learning


This paper aims to investigate the experiences of four students-teachers-researchers with the use of programming articulated with computational thinking to teach-learn Mathematics in teacher education and practice. For the production of the data were used the records of the workshop "Together, in online learning contexts, to learn Mathematics and computational thinking using Scratch", held in the second half of 2020, lasting 20 hours, and the construction of narratives by the four participants about the Scratch programming environment. The activities shared in practice are different as dialogic and reflective moments about the importance of knowing theoretically and in practice the technological resources to be adopted in Mathematics classes in Basic and Higher Education. Each workshop participant highlighted in their narrative, that the project builded in Scratch will be shared in their pedagogical practices. Indeed, a workshop provided collaborative online learning in the actions experienced in the relationship with peers in the training and practice environment. Thus, the Scratch programming environment is a tool that can be used to collaborate with the teaching and learning process of Mathematics and Computational Thinking, among other areas of knowledge, in a dialogic and problematizing perspective.


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How to Cite

Alves, S. de O., Barbosa, L. L. da S., Pelli, D., Alves, E. S. ., & Mendonça, T. N. . (2022). ONLINE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IN TEACHER TRAINING AND PRACTICE: experiences of programming and computational thinking to learn mathematics using Scratch. Ensino Da Matemática Em Debate, 9(1), 41–66.


