Analysis of simulated interactions of the oral test of the Celpe-Bras exam




Celpe-Bras, Oral exam, Simulated


This article aims to analyze the justifications of the grades of interlocutor evaluators and observer evaluators in a simulated face-to-face interaction of the Celpe-Bras exam. The evaluators are 3 undergraduate students who work at the Nucleus of Languages without Borders of the State University of Feira de Santana (NucLi-isf/UEFS) in a preparatory course for the Celpe-Bras exam. Each teacher conducted 4 semi-structured interviews at the end of each simulated interaction, in order to ensure possible meetings with each of the examinees. The results show a high level of similarity in grading, but distinct criteria of judgment in at least half of the meetings. The results reveal a high level of similarity in the attribution of grades, but different classification criteria. There was also uncertainty regarding the score presented, giving rise to a debate around the subjectivity of the evaluation and the importance of better refining the criteria to increase the reliability of the process.


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Author Biography

Rianne de Souza e Sousa, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil.

Literature Portuguese and Spanish undergraduate student at UEFS. Fellow teacher of Portuguese as a foreign language at the Languages Center of Languages without Borders at the same university


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How to Cite

Beckhauser, A. S., & Sousa, R. de S. e. (2024). Analysis of simulated interactions of the oral test of the Celpe-Bras exam. The ESPecialist, 45(4), 87–107.