Thematic Volume: Telecollaboration in Education for Foreign Language Teaching


  • Maisa de Alcantara ZAKIR Universidade Estadual Paulista, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brasil. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação
  • Michael J. FERREIRA Georgetown University, Washington, DC, EUA. Department of Spanish and Portuguese;
  • Micheli Gomes de SOUZA Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná , Jacarezinho, PR, Brasil. Centro de Letras, Comunicação e Artes
  • Rozana Aparecida Lopes MESSIAS Universidade Estadual Paulista, Assis, SP, Brasil. Departamento de Estudos Linguísticos, Literários e da Educação



This thematic volume is an offshoot of the 1st GUTelOnX (Georgetown-UNESP Teletandem and Online Exchange Symposium)[1], an event held remotely on October 8th and 9th, 2020, based on a partnership between the research group “InViTe (Virtual Exchange and Teletandem): foreign languages for all[2],” from UNESP, and Georgetown University. The event brought together thirty-eight presentations by researchers and professors from universities and other types of educational contexts from around the world, to share their research and/or experiences in implementing telecollaborative language learning practices. This thematic issue brings together seventeen articles, which consist of works presented at the event and other studies from the academic community also focused on the role of technologies in foreign language teaching in promoting telecollaboration projects in several institutions around the globe.



[2] InViTe (Virtual Exchange and Teletandem, in the acronym in Portuguese) is a continuation of “Teletandem Brazil: foreign languages for all” and gathers researchers from Brazil and other countries who implement and investigate the Teletandem context.


BRAMMERTS, H. 1996. Tandem language learning via the internet and the International E-Mail Tandem Network. In: LITTLE, D.; BRAMMERTS, H. (Eds.). A Guide to Language Learning in Tandem via the Internet. CLCS Occasional Paper, 46: 9-21. Trinity College.

BENEDETTI, A. M.; CONSOLO, D. A.; VIEIRA-ABRAHÃO, M. H. V. (Orgs.). 2010. Pesquisas em ensino e aprendizagem no Teletandem Brasil: línguas estrangeiras para todos. Pontes Editores.

TELLES, J. A.; VASSALLO, M. L. 2006. Foreign language learning in-tandem: Teletandem as an alternative proposal in CALLT. The Especialist, 27.2: 189-212.

TELLES, J. A. (Org.). 2009. Teletandem: Um contexto virtual, autônomo e colaborativo para aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras no século XXI. Pontes Editores.

VASSALLO, M. L.; TELLES, J. A. 2006. Foreign language learning in-tandem: Theoretical principles and research perspectives. The Especialist, 27.1: 83–118.



How to Cite

ZAKIR, M. de A., FERREIRA, M. J., SOUZA, M. G. de, & MESSIAS, R. A. L. (2022). Thematic Volume: Telecollaboration in Education for Foreign Language Teaching. The ESPecialist, 43(1).