The internationalization of education at the Farroupilha Federal Institute

(un)paths under (re)construction




Internationalization of education, Global South, Praxiologies, Language policy, Federal Education Network


This article aims to present the documents and practices related to the internationalization of education at IFFar, in order to problematize how the creation of a language policy aimed at internationalization can impact internationalization actions in all educational areas of the institution. Our theoretical perspective is based on the assumptions of Sulear Applied Linguistics (Pennycook; Makoni, 2020) and Academic Literacy studies (Lea; Street, 1998, 2006). The results of this research indicate that there is an institutional interest  and/or need to regulate and organize guidelines relating to the internationalization of education and the establishment of a language policy. However, from a comprehensive perspective of internationalization, it is necessary to reflect consciously and act critically so that actions and, above all, policies can contribute effectively to IFFar and through IFFar.


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Author Biographies

Tamara Angélica Brudna da Rosa, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, RS, Brasil.

Licenciada em Letras- Português/ Inglês

Mestra em Educação nas Ciências

Doutoranda em Educação nas Ciências

Fernanda Lopes Silva Ziegler, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, RS, Brasil.

has a degree in Literature – English (2013) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), a master's degree (2015), and a doctoral student in Linguistic Studies in the Postgraduate Program in Literature at the same university. Currently, she is developing her research at the Academic Literacies Research Center (Núcleo de Estudos sobre Letramentos Acadêmicos – NELA, in Portuguese), linked to the Reading and Writing Research and Teaching Lab (Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação – LabLeR, in portuguese). Since 2014, she has been Executive Secretary at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha (IFFar).

Janete Teresinha Arnt, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, RS, Brasil.

has a degree in Literature – English (2008) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), a master's degree (2012), and doctoral degree (2018) in Linguistic Studies in the Postgraduate Program in Literature from the same university. Since 2012, she has been an English teacher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha (IFFar), representing the International Affairs Office since 2022. 


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How to Cite

Rosa, T. A. B. da, Ziegler, F. L. S., & Arnt, J. T. (2024). The internationalization of education at the Farroupilha Federal Institute: (un)paths under (re)construction. The ESPecialist, 45(4), 38–58.