New routes in the study of Aviation and Aeronautical English
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English Aviation, Special Issue, PresentationRésumé
This text is the Editorial for the second volume of the The Especialist Aviation English special edition. For a contextualization of ICAO[1]Language Proficiency Requirements and for the conceptualization and theoretical background of Aviation and Aeronautical English, please consult the Editorial - Volume 1. There you will also find information about how this special edition was conceived and a list of other compilations related to Aviation English.[1] International Civil Aviation Organization.
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INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2017. Dubrovnik, Croatia. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.
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Accessed: 11 Oct, 2020.
TOSQUI-LUCKS, P.; S.M DAMIÃO; M.V.R. SCARAMUCCI. 2018. Panorama das pesquisas sobre inglês aeronáutico no Brasil – Contribuições para a segurança de voo. Conexão SIPAER. Revista Científica de Segurança de Voo, 9.2: 50-64.
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