New routes in the study of Aviation and Aeronautical English




English Aviation, Special Issue, Presentation


This text is the Editorial for the second volume of the The Especialist Aviation English special edition. For a contextualization of ICAO[1]Language Proficiency Requirements and for the conceptualization and theoretical background of Aviation and Aeronautical English, please consult the Editorial - Volume 1. There you will also find information about how this special edition was conceived and a list of other compilations related to Aviation English.

[1] International Civil Aviation Organization.


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Biografia do Autor

Patrícia Tosqui-Lucks, Airspace Control Institute (ICEA), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil

Patrícia Tosqui-Lucks holds a PhD in Linguistics from Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), focused on English for Specific Purposes, and recently finished a post-doctoral research on Corpus Linguistics at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), in Brazil. With over 20 years of experience teaching English in various contexts, she has been the supervisor of the Aeronautical English Training Programme for air traffic controllers at the Brazilian Airspace Control Institute (ICEA) since 2009. She is also the leader of GEIA, an aeronautical English research group that brings together practitioners in the fields of teaching, assessment, language description, and teacher training. The objective of her current research is to inform the development of aeronautical English curricula and assessment using Corpus Linguistics tools.

Malila Carvalho de Almeida Prado, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou, Fujian, China. School of Humanities

Malila Prado is professor in the School of Humanities at Fujian University of Technology, China. She has worked as an English language teacher for over 20 years, specializing in the field of aviation English since 2008. She holds a Master´s Degree and PhD from the Department of Modern Languages of Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil), examining the language used by pilots and air traffic controllers in abnormal situations through corpus linguistics. She is a member of Grupo de Estudos em Inglês Aeronáutico (GEIA) based in Brazil. Email address:


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INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION/ICAO. 2004. Doc. 9835 AN/453: Manual on the implementation of ICAO language proficiency requirements. 1. ed. Montreal.

INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2019. Tokyo, Japan. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.

INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2018. Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.

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TOSQUI-LUCKS, P.; S.M DAMIÃO; M.V.R. SCARAMUCCI. 2018. Panorama das pesquisas sobre inglês aeronáutico no Brasil – Contribuições para a segurança de voo. Conexão SIPAER. Revista Científica de Segurança de Voo, 9.2: 50-64.




Como Citar

Tosqui-Lucks, P., & Prado, M. C. de A. (2020). New routes in the study of Aviation and Aeronautical English. The Especialist, 41(4).


