New routes in the study of Aviation and Aeronautical English
English Aviation, Special Issue, PresentationResumo
This text is the Editorial for the second volume of the The Especialist Aviation English special edition. For a contextualization of ICAO[1]Language Proficiency Requirements and for the conceptualization and theoretical background of Aviation and Aeronautical English, please consult the Editorial - Volume 1. There you will also find information about how this special edition was conceived and a list of other compilations related to Aviation English.[1] International Civil Aviation Organization.
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INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2019. Tokyo, Japan. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2018. Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.
INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Conference Proceedings. 2017. Dubrovnik, Croatia. Available at: <>. Accessed: 11 Oct 2020.
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TERENZI, D. (Ed). Revista CBTecLE nº 1 - 2020 (Inglês na Aviação) v. 2, n. 1. Available at: <>.
Accessed: 11 Oct, 2020.
TOSQUI-LUCKS, P.; S.M DAMIÃO; M.V.R. SCARAMUCCI. 2018. Panorama das pesquisas sobre inglês aeronáutico no Brasil – Contribuições para a segurança de voo. Conexão SIPAER. Revista Científica de Segurança de Voo, 9.2: 50-64.
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