Peer Corrective Feedback: Face-saving Strategies in Teletandem Oral Sessions


  • Suzi Marques Spatti CAVALARI Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Departamento de Letras Modernas
  • Ana Carolina FRESCHI Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil. Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação
  • Sidnei Antonio PEREIRA FILHO Escola Técnica Estadual do Estado de São Paulo, Lins, São Paulo, Brasil. Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias



This paper aims at examining oral peer feedback in relation to facework theories within the teletandem context. Teletandem is a mode of telecollaboration in which two learners who speak different languages meet virtually in order to learn with each other by offering feedback by means of audio, video and textual resources. The study is qualitative in nature and uses an ethnographic microanalysis approach. The data utilized are recordings of 20 teletandem oral sessions stored in MulTeC (ARANHA; LOPES, 2019). The participants are three pairs of learners who interact both in Portuguese and in English. Results showed that more explicit types of reformulations may be face threatening and, in these cases, learners use strategies to save their own faces. On the other hand, more implicit types of reformulations do not seem to be face threatening and can be compared to strategies used to save other people's face.


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Comment citer

CAVALARI, S. M. S., FRESCHI, A. C. ., & PEREIRA FILHO, S. A. (2022). Peer Corrective Feedback: Face-saving Strategies in Teletandem Oral Sessions. The ESPecialist, 43(1).