Learning experiences in a virtual exchange project: the University of California, Davis’ and the Federal University of Acre's first partnership


  • Queila Barbosa LOPES Universidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, Brasil. Centro de Educação, Letras e Artes
  • Rodrigo Nascimento de QUEIROZ Universidade Federal do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasil. Centro de Educação e Letras
  • Eugênia Magnólia da Silva FERNANDES Universidade da Califórnia, Davis, Estados Unidos da América




This experience report presents an overview of the first experience of virtual exchange (O'DOWD, 2018, 2021) between students from the Federal University of Acre and the University of California, Davis, which occurred during the first semester of 2021. The project’s participants were experiencing emergency remote instruction and had to use their electronic devices to interact with their partners. The virtual exchange was a Teletandem partnership (TELLES, 2006, 2015; COSTA; SALOMÃO; ZAKIR, 2018; FERNANDES; TELLES, 2015). We describe how the partnership was established, the challenges, and the rewards for the interactants, the mediators and the professors involved in the project. Teletandem at UFAC is the first initiative of the project Intercultural Interchange Online Laboratory. The interactions took place from January to May, during which seven to eight interactions occurred, depending on the pedagogical scenario (FOUCHER, 2010). The data collected during the period followed a similar protocol established in Multec - Multimodal Teletandem Corpus (LOPES, 2019; ARANHA; LOPES, 2019). Considering the need for social distancing, interactants overcame their limitations with the lack of an institutional language laboratory by using their devices and internet connection to participate during the web conference meetings in order to develop interactional competence in English and Portuguese.


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Comment citer

LOPES , Q. B. ., QUEIROZ , R. N. de, & FERNANDES , E. M. da S. . (2022). Learning experiences in a virtual exchange project: the University of California, Davis’ and the Federal University of Acre’s first partnership . The ESPecialist, 43(1). https://doi.org/10.23925/2318-7115.2022v43i1a16