The protestant reform echo in Jonathan Edward´s rhetoric
an analysis of heaven, a world of love
Rhetorics, Poetics, Jonathan EdwardsAbstract
The main objective of this work was to analyze the sermon Heaven, a World of Love, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), under the rhetorical echo of the Protestant Reform. This was the last one of the Charity and its fruits series, preached in 1738 and published only posthumously. It is an exegesis of 1 Corinthians 13 about the need of the manifestation of the Christian virtues, being charity or love the greatest of them, and therefore the only one that will remain in the heavenly universe in an improved and supreme way, when all the others cease. Meanwhile, we were able to understand the importance of literature in its elocutio. For this, we dealt, firstly, with rhetoric, making a historical overview on the subject. Then, we focused on the study of rhetoric within the scope of the Protestant Reform and how it echoed in Puritanism. Finally, we dedicated to the analyze the sermon focusing on dispositio, which refers to the ordering of the speech, and also on elocutio, which are the linguistic expressions of the thoughts formulated in the inventio. As a result, we found that the appropriation of aesthetic resources by Edwards was in order to promote the desired rhetorical effect in the public, the conversion, whether through emotion, fear or affection for beauty.
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