Native Soil Movement
Dostoevsky Between Westernists and Slavophiles
Dostoevsky, Modernity, Christianism, Westernism, SlavophilismAbstract
This work seeks to analyze the Dostoevsky’s criticism of slavophiles and westernists ideologies, and how that critical conception is designed as a critique of modernity, but formulated in the terms of a modern discourse. The Russian novelist was convicted for taking part in a revolutionary conspiracy against the czar, and this experience as a prisoner left deep marks in his literary trajectory. Dostoevsky anchored his literary production in a religious vocabulary aquired through the contact with the Russian peasents while imprisoned. Thus, the writer’s interpreation regarding the Christianity of the Russian people will be vital to the composition of his future works and will redefine his political, philosophical, religious and artistic positions. Starting from the influence of the Pochvennichestvo (the native soil movement), considering it the only alternative able to articulate an oposition to Slavophilism and Westernism, the novelist will announce his defense of the Christianity of the Russian peasant people. Therefore, the native soil movement is one of the most important aspects for understanding the influence between politics, philosophy, religion and art in the Dostoevsky's work.
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