Borges teólogo: una lectura de "La intrusa" y "Cristo en la Cruz"
Borges, Bible, non centered Theology, narrative, theopoeticsAbstract
In this paper we propose a reading of two texts by Borges: “La intrusa” (El informe de Brodie) and “Cristo en la cruz” (Los conjurados). Although they belong to different times and literary genres, both maintain a constant line: a very personal use of the Holy Scriptures as a starting point for his literary creation. That’s the reason why, first of all, we will focus on the relationship that the writer had with the Bible and the different versions he handled. From there, the text’s analysis will show that he builds a very personal, immanent and “non-centered” theology. In this way, based on the freedom with which he rewrites the scriptures -because, in fact, this is what he does in his works-, Borges proposes a new approach to the mistery of divine, as it’s understood by the Judeo-Christian tradition, far from the certainties of the Church Magisterium and more in line with the characteristics of the contemporary religious panorama in Postmodernity.
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