Reconfiguration of polygons to determine the measurement of its area using GeoGebra software
Reconfiguration; apprehension; measurement of areas, geometry; GeoGebraAbstract
Based on the reconfiguration operation that Duval (1994) proposes for the calculation of the area measurement of a figure, this article presents a proposal to address the reconfiguration of two-dimensional figures by using GeoGebra software. In order to illustrate the relevance of the proposal in the teaching of Geometry, a study is presented with a group of sixth grade students of primary education (between 11 and 12 years of age). The results show the potential of software for the recognition of figures with the same area, the use of reconfiguration as an operation that allows to modify a figure in another, collaborative work and motivation towards mathematics. It is concluded that the proposal is a valuable contribution for the teaching of areas in Geometry.
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