Dynamic imagery content on light polarization:

exploring the potential of GeoGebra for the Teaching of Physics at the Higher Level





GeoGebra Free Software, polarization of the monochromatic electromagnetic wave, didactic material with an imaginary emphasis


In this work, we make available four simulations of our own, developed in GeoGebra Free Software, referring to the polarization of the monochromatic electromagnetic wave of flat wave front and the polarization methods via selective absorption, reflection and birefringence. These, in addition to virtual learning objects and pertinent semiotic records, show the breadth of the domain of GeoGebra's potentialities for Physics in basic and higher education, as teaching material with an imagery emphasis.


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How to Cite

Dias Andrade, D., Oliveira de Jesus, J. C. . ., & Santos Alves, Álvaro . (2023). Dynamic imagery content on light polarization: : exploring the potential of GeoGebra for the Teaching of Physics at the Higher Level. Revista Do Instituto GeoGebra Internacional De São Paulo, 12(1), 107–121. https://doi.org/10.23925/2237-9657.2023.v12i1p107-121


