
  • Tarliz Liao Departament of Campus Litoral North. Federal University of Rio do Sul (UFRGS), RS.
  • Jussara Martins Albernaz Federal University of Espírito Santo.



Minimal Curriculum. Mathematics Education. Mathematics Curricula.


This article intends to point to some of the specificities that permeated the process of elaboration and establishment of Mathematics Minimal Curriculum, at the high school level, proposed by the State Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro ( SEEDUC / RJ) in 2011. It is noteworthy that before a multiplicity of curricular materialities, the focus of this change occurred through a new curriculum, impacting a network with one million students and twelve thousand math teachers.Educational curricula tacitly express the ideas and societal perspectives on human affairs and other policies of the period in which they are produced. Curricula may contain the entire historical legacy and personal touch of their creators. Keeping this in mind, the analysis of math curricula is more complex than looking at a sequence of linearly arranged content. It is, above all, understanding that the curricula was created to sustain a body of ideas of the time. The first concern is the rejection of the previous curriculum, which resulted in a new conception of the material. The process reflected the lack of dialogue between the various social segments and professionals in the field. Governmental interests overtook educational objectives, resulting in public policy actions that were far from democratic. There was an obvious lack of clear ideas in contrast to the acting body of laws. The Minimal Curriculum negated the educational dialectic and the rhetoric of academic mathematics as well as educational discipline.

Author Biographies

Tarliz Liao, Departament of Campus Litoral North. Federal University of Rio do Sul (UFRGS), RS.

PhD in Education in Mathematics Education Line, professor and researcher in Interdisciplinar Departament of Campus Litoral North - UFRGS. Member of Group of Studies in Nature Sciences and Mathematics Education of Fields

Jussara Martins Albernaz, Federal University of Espírito Santo.

Post-doctoral degree in Education from the FAE/USP and PhD in School Psychology and Human Development at USP. Volunteer teacher of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.


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