<strong>Knowledge, Ethics, Education, Research</strong>


  • Miguel G. Arroyo Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Knowledge, Ethics, Education, Research


This article reflects on the relations between knowledge, ethics, and education. Its theme emphasizes the necessity of examining the historical background of these relations. This theme – knowledge, ethics, education, research - goes back to debates held in academia, in conferences, and in schools. While it is certainly necessary to research the possible reasons why the relationship between ethics and education has been ignored in the past, it will also be very worthwhile to delve into the current motivation to recognize it and to incorporate it in scholarly debates at conferences and in theoretical development. The Knowledge-Ethics-Education theme, when linked with the questioning by social movements concerning the recognition of differences of nature and opinion, and of care-giving, acquires challenging dimensions for educational thought and action, and for research and theory.

Author Biography

Miguel G. Arroyo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Miguel Gonzalez Arroyo é Pós-doutor pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Doutor em Educação pela Stanford University; Mestre em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Professor Titular do Instituto Superior de Estudos Pedagógicos –ISEP-RJ, no Programa de Mestrado em Ciências Pedagógicas; professor de pós-graduação Lato Sensu da PUC Minas. Foi Secretário Adjunto de Educação da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte de 1993 – 1997; professor titular aposentado da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, como também Membro da Diretoria da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, ANPED. Autor de diversos artigos, capítulos de livros e livros.


