Pedagogical Practices. Learning. Teaching. Diagnostic Study. Under Graduation.Abstract
The present study aims to investigate the pedagogical practices of the university teacher, from the students point of view of the. For that purpose, we developed a study envolving 103 students coming from three different courses, which come from two distinct areas: exact (Mathematics degree - 25 students - and Production Engineering - 36 students) and social (Administration - 42 students). The methodology used was based on the paradigms of the descriptive research and consisted of: (a) a questionnaire applied collectively (with the students answering individually) and (b) an interview, with semi-directed characteristics. This was applied to approximately 14% out of the all participants, carried out between one week and 15 days after the questionnaire. The results of the research indicate that students, regardless of the area in which their course is inserted and even in an intuitive way, can be clear about good pedagogical practices, listing them and evaluating them with clarity and discernment. The study concludes that the university teacher, regardless of his level of qualification, needs to be best prepared, mainly in didactic subjects, in order to be able to perform this fuction well.
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