Teacher training. Comparative Methodology. Teacher professionalization.Abstract
This research aim to promote reflection about access to teachers’ professional life in Brazil and Spain, considering convergences and divergence of both models of teachers' professionalization. The compared method applied to education has been used to seek the aim of this kind of investigation. We raised up elements of reflection by which initial teachers development could be improved in both countries. Institutionalization of education in formal systems and it universalization of Basic Education are the two main factors that have favored the discussion about the professionalization of teaching performance. In this way, it generated the need to systematize and formalize the relevant role of teachers and its functions. To conclude, it is pointed that both government could plan modifications in their educational policies to strengthening initial teachers’ development in the near future. Also, it is needed to consider the development of teachers’ performance as profession to promote prestige from the society by teacher’s career. To improve actual education it is indispensable to develop professionals who stands out as reflexive, autonomous, innovative and contextualizer.
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