
  • Rita de Cássia Prazeres Frangella State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.
  • Bonnie Axer State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.
  • Roberta Sales Lacê Rosário State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.



Curricular policies. Discourse. Blogs. Regulation. Policy networks.


This paper discusses the production of curricular policies in a context in which perspectives of curricular centralization are strengthened, taking as focus of analysis the National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age (called PNAIC): a program of continuing education of literacy teachers instituted in 2012 by the Ministry of Education and that, in our research, we read as curricular policy, mainly by the links established with the production of the Common National Curriculum Base and the alignment with the idea of building a national curriculum for literacy. Working with a discursive perspective, based on Bhabha, Laclau and Derrida’s theories and considering the production of policy networks as proposed by Ball, we assume the curriculum as discursive production, result of struggles for the power of meaning. In this line, we assume that there is no objective meaning, nor there is an absolute closure of meanings, which allows us to observe productions that overflow the limits of policy itself and incite to think about outputs to the centralizing logic on which it is based. Such perception develops itself from what we have chosen as the motto of discussion: the reading of blogs created by teachers. The blogs are included in the PNAIC design as a strategy to disseminate exemplary practices, in an implicit regulation of pedagogical practices. However, we have observed that teachers in these networks, by strengthening dialogs with their practices and peers, weave other perspectives of knowledge, curriculum, teaching, through the meanings about curriculum that multiply, which we defend as a possibility to think of curricular democratization.

Author Biographies

Rita de Cássia Prazeres Frangella, State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.

Assistant Professor of the Application Institute Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAP / UERJ). Doctorate in Education by the post-graduation program in Education of the State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.

Bonnie Axer, State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.

Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education and the Post-Graduate Program in Education - PROPEd of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Productivity Scholarship of CNPq, Young Scientist of Our State / FAPERJ, UERJ / FAPERJ Procientista. Coordinates the GRPEsq / CNPq Curriculum, training and education in human rights - GECDH / UERJ.

Roberta Sales Lacê Rosário, State University of Rio de Janeiro PROPED / UERJ.

Master in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - FEBF / UERJ. PhD student at the Post-Graduation Program in Education - Proped at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. Cecierj / CEDERJ Consortium at a distance, working in Curriculum. Administrative technician acting at the Postgraduate Secretariat of the Professional Master's Degree at the Application Institute Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira - CAp / UERJ.


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Dossiê Temático: "Democratização da escola em tempos de privação de direitos"