Currículo. Escola. Democracia. Privação de direitos.Abstract
The moment that we live in is one of those where it is urgent to affirm the principle and the experience of democracy in education. Notions such as, for example, democratic management, which are largely the result of the historical struggles of educators and which have been established in the legal frameworks on education in Brazil (CURY, 2014), are under strong threat. In the sense of making available research and discussions that present and criticize constraints that limit the autonomy of our schools and educational practices and also texts that announce the possibility of working with democratization perspectives of curriculum proposals and practices, we elaborate this call. We looked for articles that addressed the following questions: How can school constitute a space of resistance to authoritarianism that threatens society? What are the conditions for thinking-doing a critical education in the public school? What is the important knowledge for students, in the context of popular education?References
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CURY, Carlos Roberto Jamil. A qualidade da educação brasileira como direito. Educação e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 35, n. 129, p. 1053-1066, out./dez., 2014.
SAUL, Ana Maria. Na Contramão da Lógica do Controle em Contextos de Avaliação: por uma educação democrática e emancipatória. Educação e Pesquisa. São Paulo, dez., vol.41, n. espe, p.1299-1311. 2015.
SAUL, Ana Maria; SAUL, Alexandre. O Saber/Fazer Docente no Contexto do Pensamento de Paulo Freire: contribuições para a Didática. Cadernos de Pesquisa, São Luís, v. 24, n. 1, p. 1-14, jan./abr. 2017.
LIMA, Iana Gomes de; GANDIN, Luís Armando. Justiça social na educação: pressupostos e desdobramentos práticos. Práxis Educativa, Ponta Grossa, v. 12, n. 3, p. 929-941, 2017.
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